Between Seasons

Spring & Summer Edition

In our Virtual Studio, moving with the flow means aligning ourselves with the dynamic rhythms of the natural world. 

In this month’s series, this means we keep taking care of kapha dosha, but we start paying more attention to pitta dosha. In addition, we will give attention to the core, shoulder, neck, knee, ankle, and spine in each practice of the series,

As always, I will deliver to you my signature head-to-toe moving meditations.

These practices will support you on and off your yoga mat through intelligent movement and mindfulness to cultivate inner peace.

The sessions are designed to:

  1. Balance water and earth elements (Kapha dosha) but at the same time keeping the fire element (Pitta dosha) in check. Kapha governs lubrication and structure in our bodies. Pitta governs metabolism.
  2. Improve core stability. A strong and responsive core improves posture, supports digestion and elimination, and helps with mental clarity & emotional stability 
  3. Work with shoulder and scapular mobility, supporting the upper respiratory pathways.
  4. Articulate the spine with control in all directions, getting the vertebrae to move and distribute load evenly, building mobility and strength.
  5. Explore the ranges of motion of your knees and ankles, building resiliency and stability in these joints. 
  6. Take you through a holistic approach. You’ll work on the full spectrum of classical practices cultivating sattva (which is clarity and peace) and increasing consciousness.


  • Enjoy movement practices, deep relaxation, breathing practices, and meditations.

  • Access to the recordings for 30 days

  • Investment $64

Course curriculum

    1. Series Overview

    2. Suggested Equipment

    3. Mini Routine

    4. Class #1

    5. Class #2

    6. Class #3

    7. Class #4

About this course

  • $64.00
  • 7 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content