8 Weeks to Flexible and Strong Hips

    1. Series Overview

    2. Suggested Equipment

    3. Super Quick Basic Anatomy of Your Pelvis & Hips

    4. Series Highlights

    1. Recording of the Live Class - Traditional Yoga Shapes

    1. Asana Class - Pelvis Compilation

    2. Yoga Nidra - Relaxing into Stillness

    3. Pranayama & Meditation

    1. Asana Class - Hips Compilation

    2. Yoga Nidra - Relaxing into Stillness

    3. Pranayama & Meditation

    1. Recording of the Live Class - Embody Your Pelvis

    1. Recording of the Live Class - 90/90 Hip Mobility

About this course

  • $128.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

Fall is a time of transition and a crucial time of the year to stay healthy. What we do and eat can help us to remain healthy throughout this season and into winter.

In Ayurveda, autumn is the vata season when the wind dominates (air and ether elements) bringing with it the energy of movement and change. So, this means that in this yoga series, we will shift our focus to manage vata energy in the body & mind.


  • Enjoy movement practices, deep relaxation, breathing practices, and meditations

  • Access to the recordings for 60 days

  • Investment $128

Here is what we will do:

1. The major home for vata energy is in the pelvis and hips so we will focus on building a centered pelvis and mobile and strong hips so prana can move freely through this area. 

2. Vata also resides in the brain, so we will also do practices to keep the nervous system stable. This is our number one tool for maintaining strong immunity and staying healthy.

3. Vata is efficiently pacified in yoga through stability, so we will emphasize steady and mindful movements, connection with the body, and presence.

4. We will nurture a sense of ease that we can bring with us as we face our challenges and obstacles on and off the mat, supporting stability and groundedness.

5. We will work on the full spectrum of classical practices cultivating sattva - balance, harmony, and the light of consciousness.


Enhance true, sustainable mobility in this pivotal part of your body!