Spring Joy - Care for Your Knees

In this series, I will share with you the practices that align with this time of the year- SPRING. They will support your increased activity, flow of prana and lymph, and, as always, your connection with that source of infinite joy.

These practices will support you on and off your yoga mat through intelligent movement and mindfulness to cultivate inner peace.

The sessions are designed to:

1. Work through knee mobility and strengthening practices building resiliency and stability in these joints. 

2. Explore the ranges of motion of your toes and ankles, working passively and actively with your feet to support your gait and balance, and to counter all that time you are on your feet and wearing shoes.

3. Support your lymphatic system, encouraging healthy circulation of lymph. We may have been craving the warmth, but the body isn't ready yet. It's still catching up to the changing weather. As a result, we experience congestion, joint swelling, and puffiness which will be alleviated with these practices. 

4. Balance liver energy and promote its cleansing. The liver works hard fighting congestion and blood stagnation as it gets warm. These practices will prevent it from overheating. 

5.Take you through a holistic approach, cultivating sattva (which is clarity and peace) and increasing consciousness.


  • Enjoy movement practices, deep relaxation, breathing practices, and meditations

  • Access to the recordings for 30 days

  • Investment $64

Class series curriculum

    1. Series Overview

    2. Suggested Equipment

    3. Series Highlights

    4. Mini Routine - Knees & Feet (ankles and toes too = )

    5. Class #1

    6. Class #2

    7. Class #3

    8. Class #4

About this course

  • $64.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content