Shoulder Girdle and Neck Mobility

These practices can be done at any time of the year! But they are certainly a great way to prepare the body for the spring season.

For us living in the Northern Hemisphere, February, our late winter, is when our bodies shift from building insulating fats to releasing them. Just like dogs shed their winter coat, our body releases fat to cleanse and prepare for the warmer season ahead. 

These practices will support the body to go through the winter-to-spring transition. A time when digestion can become a bit slow, and congestion and headaches are more likely to rise...

In every session, you will:

  1. Work with shoulder and scapular mobility, preparing the body to open up the chest area and upper respiratory pathways. Also, our yoga practice demands mainly pushing strength. As a result we can end up with imbalances between the front of the shoulder (the pushing side) and the rear of the shoulder (the pulling side). You will practice a series of shoulder movements to rebalance your shoulder strength and increase mobility in all ranges.

  2. Give some attention to your neck freeing this area for the circulation of prana in the sinus and head. We often keep the neck moving in pretty straight lines. These practices will take you out of that and into movements we don't often do - including counter-to-gravity movements to build strength.

  3. Move feelings of stagnation and denseness out of the body supporting its own cleansing cycle and its natural ability to shave the extra pounds gained in the winter

  4. Go through the full spectrum of classical practices cultivating sattva - which is balance, harmony, and increasing consciousness.

Shoulder girdle and neck mobility prepare us for poses that support the health of the lungs, stomach, and sinuses --supporting our kapha dosha balance during spring season.


  • Enjoy movement practices, deep relaxation, breathing practices, and meditations

  • Access to the recordings for 30 days

  • Investment $64

Course curriculum

    1. Series Overview

    2. Suggested Equipment

    3. Mini Routine - Shoulder & Neck

    4. Bring Ease and Change to the Neck & Shoulders

    5. Exploring Shoulder Strength in All Directions

    6. Shoulder Rotation Focus

    7. Strengthening the Neck in Novel Ways

    8. Additional Resources

About this course

  • $64.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

Shoulder Girdle and Neck Mobility Series

Open your shoulders up again and let the rest of your body follow!