8 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders

    1. Series Overview

    2. Suggested Equipment

    3. Series Highlights

    1. Recording of the Live Class: Exploring All Ranges of Motion

    1. Asana Class - Shoulder Basics I

    2. The benefits of Hanging

    3. Bonus Class! Spinal Mobility

    4. Yoga Nidra: Removing Dullness

    5. Recording of Live Class: Musings & Meditation 1

    1. Asana Class - Shoulder Basics II

    2. Bonus Class! Remove Stagnation with Sun Salutations

    3. Yoga Nidra: Removing Dullness

    4. Pranayama & Meditation

    1. Recording of the Live Class: Integration I

    1. Asana Class - Shoulder Rotation Compilation

    2. Bonus Class! A Little TLC for Your Hips

    3. Yoga Nidra: Removing Dullness

    4. Pranayama & Meditation

About this course

  • $128.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content
  • Drip In Content

    Content drops every week, from March 8th to April 26th so you can easily get through the practices making your practice sustainable for the long term.

  • Live Sessions

    Six live sessions to connect, ask questions, and, of course, practice together! (March 8, 29, April 26 at 5:15 PM EDT/ March 15, April 12 , 19 at 7:15 PM EDT)

  • Bonus material

    Bonus classes will complement the main practices, targeting spinal mobility and supporting Kapha dosha balance.


  • When are the live sessions?

    There will be six live sessions via Zoom to connect, ask questions, and, of course, practice together! Full yoga practices on March 8th and 29th and April 26th at 5:15 PM EDT. Meditation sessions on March 15th and April 12th and 19th at 7:15 PM EDT.

  • How long will I have access to the series?

    The classes are available to you from the beginning of the series on March 8thh until April 30th.

  • What if I’m not happy with it?

    Oh my goodness I sure hope this isn’t the case but if it is, send me an email at [email protected] and let us know, within 7-days of purchase, that you want a refund.

  • What if I have any question?

    Email me @ [email protected]. I would love to hear from you.


M.A., E-RYT 500, C-IAYT, YACEP Leticia Padmasri

Letícia Padmasri is an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, a certified Advanced Integral Yoga® Hatha teacher, and a certified Raja Yoga teacher. She holds a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, a master’s degree in education, and has dedicated many years towards the study of exercise physiology. She combines her love for the sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda with her interest in the body’s structure and function, helping students of all levels adapt their practices to achieve optimal health and total well-being. In addition to being one of Yogaville’s primary teacher trainers, she also offers workshops and seminars in the US and Brazil.

MFS, RYT-500 Amy Jeanguenat

Amy is a public speaker and certified trauma-informed facilitator of Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga, and Ayurveda sharing tools for sacred living and workplace resilience. Amy brings her background in operational leadership and a Master's degree in Science to make fun and interactive courses, keynotes, small group coaching programs, and individual mentoring sessions. Amy combines her career paths helping guide others to overcome stress, burnout, and vicarious trauma. Seasonal living, rest, and ritual are her favorite things to practice, learn and teach! Connect with Amy on Insight Timer.