Seasonal Living

  • Live in Harmony with the Seasons!

  • Understand the winter-spring transition.

  • Course available for 30 days after purchase.

Move into SPRING with cleansing practices for your body. Just like spring cleaning in your home, this is spring cleaning for your body.

Learn tools to deal with common complaints of the seasons like congestion, lower energy levels and slow digestion. You will also learn simple Ayurvedic cleanses to buffer your health and protect your well-being for the coming months and beyond.

Course curriculum

    1. Recording of the Workshop

    2. Clip of a Kapha-Pacifying Hatha Yoga Class

    3. Suggested Readings

    4. Ayurvedic Constitutional Assessment - Download!

    5. Cleanse Soup

    6. Kitchari Recipe

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Seasonal Living

  • Live in Harmony with the Seasons!

  • Understand the winter-spring transition.

  • Course available for 30 days after purchase.

Judith Knight

This workshop came at a perfect time to help my understanding of energy and its connection to nature.

Mollie Robertson

Padmasri is delightful. She lives what she teaches. Her heart is full and she’s very knowledgeable. Her light and love are inspiring.