The Right Practices for the Right Seasons and Stages of Your Life

In this series, I will share with you the practices that align with this time of the year. They will assist you to overcome spring’s challenges while promoting optimal health, so that we can truly celebrate the earth’s awakening! 

These practices will support you on and off your yoga mat through intelligent movement and mindfulness to cultivate inner peace.


  • Enjoy movement practices, deep relaxation, breathing practices, and meditations

  • Access to the recordings for 30 days

  • Investment $64

The sessions are designed to:

1. Articulate the spine with control in all directions, getting the vertebrae to move and distribute load evenly. Develop spinal mobility and strength, targeting spinal movement in all 3 planes (flexion/extension, rotation, and lateral flexion). Moving with awareness and control to light up conscious connection to this area of the body. 

2. Wake up and strength the whole back of the body to keep our body more aligned, chest open, and heart space expanded while approaching backward bending poses in a way that will offer true positive change in our body.  It's easy to do backbends in a way that will make our spine mad at us, so we’ll utilize movement awareness, coordination, and anatomical knowledge when practicing these poses. 

3. Cleanse the lungs, stomach and warm the kidneys. These sites are where Kapha dosha–the earth and water dosha–can accumulate during this season. As water increases in the earth this season through rain and snow melting, its qualities (cold, heavy, moist) also increase in our body and mind, which can create imbalances especially on these sites. We will use specific pranayama, movements and asanas to keep the energy flow in this area.

4. Take you through a holistic approach. You will  go through the full spectrum of classical practices cultivating sattva - which is balance, harmony, and increasing consciousness.

Class series curriculum

    1. Series Overview

    2. Suggested Equipment

    3. Series Highlights

    4. Mini routine - Spinal Mobility

    5. Building Conscious Connection to the Spine

    6. Increasing Energy Flow in the Kidneys, Lungs & Stomach

    7. Move Your Shoulders to Free Your Upper-Mid Back

    8. Experience the Benefits of Balancing Kapha in the Body and Mind

About this course

  • $64.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content