Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. The Importance of the Development of Consciousness for Health

    1. Introduction

    2. Yoga Nidra for Any Time, 12-minute practice

    3. Yoga Nidra for Kapha Dosha (Earthy Type) - Late Winter & Spring Season

    4. Yoga Nidra for Pitta Dosha (Fiery Type) - Summer Season

    5. Yoga Nidra for Vata Dosha (Airy Type) - Fall Season & Early Winter

    1. Introduction

    2. Dirgha Swasan or Deep Breathing - The 3D Style of Breathing

    3. Kapalabhati - Skull Shining Breath

    4. Nadi Suddhi or Alternate Nostril Breathing

    5. Chandra Bedhana or Moon-Piercing Breath - Alternate Nostril Breathing for the Summer Time

    6. Bhramari Breathing for Sound Sleep

    7. 360 Degree Belly Breath

    8. Breathing Practice Focused on Thoracic Mobility

    9. The Double Breath

    10. Ujjayi or Victorious Breath

    11. Sitali/Sitkari - The Cooling Breath

    12. Kapalabhati with Sitali or Sitkari

    13. Pranayama Compilation - Full Practice for the Summer TIme

    14. Pranayama Compilation - Full Practice for the Fall Season & Early Winter

    1. Introduction

    2. Heart Opening Meditation

    3. Empty Bowl Meditation

    4. Mantra Meditation

About this course

  • Free
  • 25 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content