Summer Series - Part I

Healthy Spine and Restful Sleep

In this series, I will share with you the practices that align with this time of the year - SUMMER. They will support restful sleep and keep internal heat in check so you don't burn yourselves out! And, as always, these practices support your connection with The Source of Infinite Joy.

These practices will support you on and off your yoga mat through intelligent movement and mindfulness to cultivate inner peace.

The sessions are designed to:

  1. Turn your focus to the solar plexus and navel – giving special attention to spinal rotation. This can help to release heat from the torso and it is a good opportunity to learn to move into twists with renewed awareness.

  2. Support your sleep. With the long days, it is harder to get to bed early and we end up sleeping less. The high heat may also make you toss and turn at night, having a less restful sleep. This practice can help your body to reclaim its natural rhythms, balancing insufficient sleep.

  3. Keep internal heat in check. We will introduce practices that cool the internal heat in the digestive system and also nurture and support an agitated mind. This way we don’t end up in flames.. I mean... inflamed = )

  4. Take you through a holistic approach. You’ll work on the full spectrum of classical practices cultivating sattva - which is harmony - and increasing consciousness.


  • Enjoy movement practices, deep relaxation, breathing practices, and meditations

  • Access to the recordings for 30 days

  • Investment $64

Class Series Curriculum

    1. Series Overview

    2. Suggested Equipment

    3. Series Highlights

    4. Mini Routine - Spinal Rotation Compilation

    1. Class #1 - Thoracic Spine Mobility

    2. Yoga Nidra - Cooling Relaxation

    3. Pranayama - Breathing Practice Focused on Thoracic Mobility

    4. Heart Opening Meditation

    1. Class #2 - Low Back Care Practice

    2. Yoga Nidra - Cooling Relaxation

    3. Pranayama - 360 Degree Belly Breath

    4. Heart Opening Meditation

    1. Class #3 - Rotational Core Flow

    2. Yoga Nidra - Cooling Relaxation

    3. Yoga Nidra, Tea, and Zzzz's - Download!

    4. Pranayama - Dirgha Swasan 3D Breathing

    5. Heart Opening Meditation

    1. Class #4 - Moon Salutations

    2. Yoga Nidra - Cooling Relaxation

    3. Pranayama - Bhramari Breathing for Sound Sleep

    4. Heart-Opening Tea and Vibrations

About this course

  • $64.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content